Orunmila, whose name means “Heaven Knows who to bless”, is a prominent Orisha in Yoruba mythology. Revered as the custodian of secrets and the divine interpreter of fate, Orunmila holds a unique place in Yoruba culture and is still worshipped by millions today.

This post takes you on a Journey into the world of Orunmila, the god whose wisdom has been a beacon of light for the Yoruba people for thousands of years. We shed light on his divine mysteries of existence and path to spiritual enlightenment.

Brief History of Orunmila

According to the Yoruba oral history of the world, before the earth was formed, there was only the heavens where the supreme god Olodumare lived with all the other gods and the earth, which was covered completely with water and ruled by the goddess of the sea Olokun. It is said that Orunmila was the eldest son of Olodumare and that he was sent to the earth to scout it for the supreme god. Orunmia spent 400 years on earth without food. He gained nourishment by opening his mouth to the air once every year.

After 400 years, Orunmila travelled back to the heavens to give his father an account of the state of the earth. Olodumare then sent Obatala -the father of humanity- to the earth to prepare it for human habitation. It is believed that it was Orunmila who gave Obatala the chain with which he could travel to the earth, he also gave him a snail shell filled with sand. Obatala used this sand to form the vast land of the earth.

After the earth had been prepared, Orunmila returned and travelled from town to town, sharing his wisdom and knowledge with the first men. It is believed that Orunmila’s nomadic lifestyle when he was on earth is the reason he is widely worshipped all over the world, even in non-yoruba cultures.

Powers and Abilities of Orisha Orunmila

Orisha Orunmila holding the "Opele" an Ifa Divination tool.

Supernatural Wisdom

Orunmila is second only to Olodumare in the Yoruba Pantheon of gods. He is the custodian of the Yoruba body of knowledge and philosophical thought. He is believed to know everything relating to the affairs of men and gods. He understands all languages and is said to be the messenger between the gods and men.

When mortals pray, it is Orunmila who carries their prayers and questions to the gods; he also carries messages from the gods back to men. His wisdom and understanding of divine laws also allow him to act as a peacemaker, resolving conflicts and maintaining harmony among the gods.

Physical and Spiritual Healer

Orunmila is also considered the god of healers and physicians. He is known for his deep compassion and his role as a spiritual healer. He has the unique ability to perceive the root causes of a person’s suffering, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual, and to offer remedies that restore balance and well-being.

This healing power is not limited to physical ailments but extends to the spiritual realm, where Orunmila can cleanse souls, remove curses, and restore harmony to those who have strayed from their destined path.

It is said that when he visited the earth, he chose sixteen disciples who were the first “awos,” roughly translating to “Keeper of secrets “. Orunmila taught his disciples to use herbs to cure the various diseases plaguing the earth. He also taught his disciples how to attend to women giving birth and commanded them to set out “clinics” all over the earth.

Guidian of Human Destiny

It is believed that Orisha Orunmila is present when the fate of all men is determined by the supreme god Olodumare. Thus, he is also called Eleri Ipin”, meaning “the witness of fate”.

He has the unique capacity to intervene in the lives of mortals, offering them chances to realign with their true paths. Through rituals, offerings, and divination, Orunmila can guide individuals to change their destinies, avoid misfortunes, and seize opportunities that might otherwise remain hidden.

Orunmila and Ifa Divination System

Being the god of wisdom, knowledge and divinity, Orisha Orunmila communicates with men through the Ifa Divination system. Central to this divination system is the Odu Ifa”, a compilation of ancient stories, proverbs and poems that contains the wisdom and teachings that guide the spiritual and everyday life of the Yoruba people.

Orunmila, as the originator of the Ifa divination system, is believed to have imparted these Odu to his followers, providing a comprehensive guide to understanding the divine will and navigating the complexities of life.

The Odu Ifa is divided into 256 parts, each divided into hundreds of verses called the “ese”. An Ifa priest is expected to learn all the verses by heart. The priest uses these verses during divination sessions to interpret Orunmila’s messages.

Through the Odu Ifa, Orunmila provides guidance on various aspects of life, such as personal development, relationships, health, and spiritual growth. Each Odu offers unique lessons and advice tailored to the individual’s specific situation, helping them align with their destiny and make choices that foster harmony and balance.

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