The Nachzehrer is a type of corpse-eating creature in the folklore of the northern part of Germany, including the state of Bavaria and the surrounding region. According to folklore, a corpse is transformed into a Nachzehrer under a full moon. After transformation, the creature eats its burial clothes and then its own corpse. It also feeds on the life force of its family members who are still alive, causing them to weaken and die.
The German word Nachzehrer can be divided into nach, meaning “after”, and zehrer, which means“living off”. The combination of these two words reflects what the Nachzehrer is: a creature that lives off humans even after its own death.
How a Nachzehrer is Formed
There are many ways a person can become a Nachzehrer after death.
It is believed that if a baby is born with an intact amniotic sac, that baby is destined to become a Nachzehrer. Another way a corpse can transform into this creature is if the person’s relatives forget to place a coin in the mouth of the deceased before burial or if the person is buried in clothes with their names on it.
It is also believed that during a plague, the first person to die in a particular town or community will rise up again as a Nachzehrer.
People who commit suicide or die from accidents are also believed to be transformed into Nachzehrer.
Characteristics of a Nachzehrer
As soon as a Nachzehrer is formed, the first thing it does is to eat its own burial shrouds. After this is completely consumed, it also consumes its own corpse. The Nachzehrer is a very noisy creature, and one can easily identify a Nachzehrer by staying quiet in a graveyard.
The Nachzehrer does not like leaving its grave since it can be easily decapitated if found roaming. , However, their relatively sedentary behaviour does not make them less dangerous. The Nachzehrer does not make it less dangerous. This unique creature can connect to living family members and draw them to its burial site, where it feeds on their life force and causes them to die. The more life force the Nachzehrer consumes, the stronger and more dangerous it becomes.
When the Nachzehrer Leaves its grave…
Despite its preference for a sedentary lifestyle, there are two major reasons why a Nachzehrer might be found outside its grave.
The first reason is to feed on the corpses of other dead people buried around them. The second reason why this creature might rise from its grave is if there is a female revenant who died during childbirth buried nearby.

In the second case, the Nachzehrer forms a bond with the female revenant and moves around with them. It is believed that one of the favourite places for the Nachzehrer to visit is the church, where it rings the church bells. According to the stories, anyone who hears the church bell ringing at this time will die.
The Nachzehrer is as cunning as it is dangerous; during its travels outside the graveyard, it also turns into a pig to avoid detection. Anyone that the shadow of this creature falls on will die.
How to Kill a Nachzehrer Monster
Despite the powers of the Nachzehrer, it is relatively easy to kill. The classic way to do this is to decapitate it and then bury the heat and the body separately. It can also be defeated by breaking its neck or driving a stake through its mouth.
To prevent a person from becoming a Nachzehrer, family members are advised to place a big stone in the mouth of a deceased person with the potential to transform. Also, a stake can be driven into the mouth of the deceased.
Finally, the Nachzehrer can be handicapped by sprinkling the grave site with grains of rice. This unconventional method works because the creature has a magical urge to count every grain of rice in its surroundings.
Nachzehrer Vs Vampire
The Nachzehrer is often confused in stories with a Vampire; however, these two creatures are very different. While the vampire is known to transform other people into vampires with its bite, the Nachzehrer can not do this. Also, while vampires are known to turn into bats, the Nachzehrer prefers to transform into pigs.